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Peso-médio Division

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Antônio Arroyo

Peso-médio Division

9-5-0 (W-L-D)


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Antônio Arroyo

Récord del Atleta


When and why did you start training for fighting? After I graduated with a business degree and worked for a year, I couldn’t find myself. There was no happiness in what I was doing. So I decided to start MMA for real, as I always did martial arts and always loved it.

Do you have any heroes? My family

What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? I’ve been working hard for this. For me, it means that I’m one of very best people in the world in what I do. Not many people can say that.

Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? Business

What was your job before you started fighting? Marketing assistant.

Specific accomplishments in amateur competition? 3-0 in amateur Muay Thai

Specific accomplishments in pro competition? Getting the belt in Salvaterra Marajó Fight, a promotion in my state, Pará.

Ranks in any martial arts styles: Dark blue in Muay Thai

Favorite grappling technique: Armlock

Favorite striking technique: Spinning heel kick

Facebook account: Joao Antonio B. Arroyo

Instagram account: Antonio Arroyo

Não está lutando
Ciudad natal
Belém, Brasil
Estilo de lucha
Debut del octágono
Nov. 16, 2019
Alcance de la pierna

When and why did you start training for fighting? 2011. After my graduation I worked for a year as a marketing assistant, but that wasn’t making me happy. I always knew that I had good physical attributes and that I should be doing something with them, so I started taking my training professionally.
What titles have you held? None
Do you have any heroes? My parents.
What would it mean for you to fight in the UFC? I spent my career seeking this opportunity and visualizing it. It means my independence, being able to start my family, being acknowledged as one of the best in what I do. Not many people can say that.
Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? Undergraduate degree in business.
What was your job before you started fighting? Marketing Assistant
Specific accomplishments in amateur competition? 3-0 ammy Muay Thai fights
Favorite grappling technique: Armbar.
Favorite Striking technique: High kicks